Morons, Idiocy
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28-March-2016 Monday
Eggs, my eggs!

05-February-2016 Friday
traffic police is traffic police

03-February-2016 Wednesday
Large companies: Rostelecom overshoots

28-January-2016 Thursday

26-September-2015 Saturday
Logo prototype.

17-August-2015 Monday
Lavrov never lies

05-August-2015 Wednesday
Top 10 dumbest people on YouTube (2014)

22-June-2015 Monday
Work if there is a job.

06-June-2015 Saturday
Better with mayonnaise

21-May-2015 Thursday

08-May-2015 Friday
Features of the national game industry

20-April-2015 Monday
In short, we fucked

23-March-2015 Monday
Oligophrenia or Mental Retardation or let's figure it out.

19-January-2015 Monday
I advise you to watch a cool video

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