Double standarts, CommunismPage 2
13-December-2024 Friday
Post #12131907
10-December-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post "A boy talks about prices in the USSR"
01-December-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post "What does the current economy give us?"
01-December-2024 Sunday
Lepenson's response to "Goering at the Nuremberg Trials"
27-November-2024 Wednesday
You don't understand, this is different!
17-November-2024 Sunday
Then and now
04-November-2024 Monday
Continuation of the post ""Communist regimes forced both men and women to pursue scientific careers""
03-November-2024 Sunday
A tale of how communists set fire to chairs on the Internet (I hid the screenshots)
29-October-2024 Tuesday
I am for National Socialism
25-October-2024 Friday
Continuation of the post "Thanks to the USSR"
25-October-2024 Friday
Reply to MacLaud343 in "Thanks to the USSR"