Truckers, Incident

09-May-2024 Thursday
Almost undamaged by boulders

29-February-2024 Thursday
“Ghost Rider”: a blazing tractor raced through a Bashkir village

03-February-2024 Saturday
Fatal accident in the Arkhangelsk region

15-May-2023 Monday
It’s interesting, when he went out with a pipe, did he have an idea that it could be taken away?

25-March-2023 Saturday
"Don't pick anyone up, don't stop." Why truckers should beware of random fellow travelers

09-October-2022 Sunday
International ProStar 2009 onwards was involved in yesterday's "hot" situation on the bridge across the Kerch Bay

10-October-2021 Sunday
How a German broke a car because of me

01-August-2021 Sunday
43-year-old driver of "VAZ-2114" fell asleep at the wheel...
