Gru, Humor

08-October-2023 Sunday

06-January-2022 Thursday
Briefly about the causes of anarchy in Kazakhstan

24-March-2020 Tuesday
Secret training of GRU special forces

17-July-2019 Wednesday

10-May-2019 Friday
GRU agent nicknamed CAT confessed to poisoning the Skripals!

18-February-2019 Monday
Empire (very) evil

16-February-2019 Saturday
The Russians Did It

24-December-2018 Monday
Bengal fire in "Olivier" is a failure.

19-November-2018 Monday
Chepiga was furious again. And not alone anymore.

07-September-2018 Friday
Ode to Gru

30-September-2015 Wednesday
Hello, is this the GRU of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation?

22-August-2014 Friday
Prisoner of the Caucasus 2 or Slenderman Mystery 2?

20-August-2014 Wednesday

27-April-2014 Sunday
Russian GRU!

13-July-2013 Saturday
No, but what? :D
