Civil War, Spoiler

08-June-2024 Saturday
2019 film "Cool: 1918". How the “valiant” Ukrainians fought against the “devilish” Bolsheviks. Part two

07-June-2024 Friday
2019 film "Cool: 1918". How the “valiant” Ukrainians fought against the “devilish” Bolsheviks. Part one

07-June-2024 Friday
2019 film "Cool: 1918". How the “valiant” Ukrainians fought against the “devilish” Bolsheviks. Part one

13-May-2016 Friday
Unused concept of the main villain of "Civil War"

08-May-2016 Sunday
About the "Civil War" and the motivation of Captain America! (WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!)

03-May-2016 Tuesday
The spider prefers the right one >_<

27-April-2016 Wednesday
Post for the lazy. Civil War or what is the movie "The First Avenger: Civil War" all about?

18-February-2016 Thursday
Still from Captain America: Civil War with dead Captain America

30-August-2015 Sunday
- Clint, are we still friends?

28-August-2015 Friday
The line-ups of the heroes from the “Avengers Split” became known

14-May-2015 Thursday
Possible detailed description of the plot of the "Civil War"
