Civil War, Books

29-April-2024 Monday
"Anarchy". Stephen vs Matilda in the war for the English throne

23-May-2023 Tuesday
Help me remember a book

13-March-2022 Sunday
Against the background of current events, I recommend reading:

31-January-2022 Monday
Reconstuctors of the Civil War of St. Petersburg (Help/Advice)

22-October-2021 Friday
Help me find the book

01-September-2020 Tuesday
“Get rid of everything Soviet!” Execution of priests? Kirov is a killer? White terror. Decommunization. II

26-January-2019 Saturday
Hello Pikabu!

21-December-2017 Thursday
Anton Makarenko. "Pedagogical Poem". Doctor's Library.

21-December-2017 Thursday
Isaac Babel. "Cavalry". Doctor's Library.

28-August-2017 Monday
Lit-ra (Part 7)

25-October-2016 Tuesday
In the hallway of an old house, a manuscript about the White Terror in Perm was accidentally found

25-August-2016 Thursday
Tomorrow I go to kill
