State Duma, The death penalty

23-March-2024 Saturday
Head of the United Russia faction: the State Duma will work on the topic of the death penalty for terrorism

23-March-2024 Saturday
Klishas responded to the idea of ??introducing the death penalty after the terrorist attack in Crocus

27-September-2022 Tuesday
The Council of the Duma will discuss the issue of consultations on the possible introduction of the death penalty

12-January-2022 Wednesday
Krasheninnikov called it impossible to introduce the death penalty in Russia

08-August-2021 Sunday
And again about the death penalty

16-October-2019 Wednesday
Lisa as an excuse: who and what is behind the revival of the death penalty

16-October-2019 Wednesday
Again covered by children. They are already imprisoned for tweets - and five years ago they laughed at the very idea

04-February-2019 Monday
The death penalty as a way out of the decline of the economy.

22-November-2013 Friday
