Global warming, Research

18-March-2024 Monday
Japan's cherry blossom season is shortening due to global warming

14-November-2023 Tuesday
Attention! In 250 million years, a single supercontinent will form, not many will survive

17-October-2023 Tuesday
Scientists say the volume of Antarctica's ice shelves has shrunk by more than 40% in 25 years.

18-September-2023 Monday
Unexpected consequences of global warming. How climate change is changing sex imbalances among reptiles

04-June-2023 Sunday
Arnold Schwarzenegger called the fight against climate change his "crusade" and boasted of a new series

16-May-2023 Tuesday
Are the UN requirements for the decarbonization of the world feasible?

03-February-2023 Friday
Navalny's competitor. What the Oscar-nominated movie "Exit" is really about

28-January-2022 Friday
Due to global warming, only one city will be able to host the Winter Olympics by the end of the century.

03-August-2021 Tuesday
Scientists called the probability of the natural nature of climate change

29-July-2021 Thursday
5% of the Earth's power plants emit 73% of greenhouse gases

24-July-2021 Saturday
Research: electric cars are more environmentally friendly than gasoline ones, even if they are charged from a coal-fired power plant

14-July-2018 Saturday
New Research Published in Joule Shows Potential to Suck CO2 Out of the Air

14-June-2017 Wednesday
Global warming study in the Arctic terminated ahead of schedule

03-May-2015 Sunday
Translation of a short article on global warming.
