GIF, Thimbles

05-November-2022 Saturday
Shall we play?

30-August-2020 Sunday
Cat cognitive dissonance

26-March-2020 Thursday
Thimbles with a cat

06-October-2019 Sunday
Serious bets.

13-July-2019 Saturday
Cats are such cats

12-April-2019 Friday
Vigilant eye.

28-March-2019 Thursday
I won!

08-January-2019 Tuesday
How did it happen?

02-November-2018 Friday
It's not easy to fool me!

14-July-2017 Friday
How did she guess?

22-December-2016 Thursday
Kitty - well done!

14-October-2016 Friday
You can't fool Vaska.

22-August-2016 Monday
I twist and turn, I want to confuse

11-January-2016 Monday
I'm spinning..

19-June-2015 Friday

07-January-2015 Wednesday
I twist and turn - I want to deceive you.

06-April-2014 Sunday
Wally the thimble.

07-August-2013 Wednesday
the cat is playing "thimble" :)
