Germany, Legalization

18-April-2024 Thursday
Zakharova linked the legalization of hemp in Germany with April Fool's Day

13-April-2024 Saturday
Zakharova noted the symbolism in the date of legalization of marijuana in Germany

03-April-2024 Wednesday
The day of legalization has come

02-April-2024 Tuesday
Germany has legalized the cultivation, possession and use of marijuana

01-April-2024 Monday
Legalization holiday in Germany

12-April-2023 Wednesday
Plans to legalize marijuana in Germany announced

27-October-2022 Thursday
German Ministry of Health

17-March-2022 Thursday
Supplement for the recognition of the medical diploma in Germany

24-November-2021 Wednesday
New German government agrees to legalize cannabis

19-November-2021 Friday
Germany: German government agrees to consider full legalization of cannabis

14-October-2021 Thursday
SPD politician Karl Lauterbach called for the legalization of cannabis

20-January-2017 Friday
Germany has legalized marijuana for medical purposes.

21-November-2016 Monday
In Berlin, they want to legalize marijuana as part of an experiment.

09-August-2015 Sunday
In Germany, a march was held for the legalization of marijuana.

08-May-2015 Friday
Anyone who is well versed in German legalization laws needs your advice.

03-May-2014 Saturday
Legalization of marijuana
