Genome, Nauchpop
01-July-2024 Monday
Attractiveness buff. A new method for genome editing. Thinking without language. #ScienceNews
24-June-2024 Monday
Space pension, twins for the gods, night kangaroo and crow's calculation | Science news
07-February-2024 Wednesday
“Garbage” in our DNA, Or why man is not the crown of creation
24-January-2024 Wednesday
“Execution cannot be pardoned”: what genetic tests will not tell you
19-February-2023 Sunday
Renegade mutants part 3. Masseur, zipper and copyist biting off bugs
07-February-2023 Tuesday
Renegade mutants of a multicellular world. Part 2. About ancient writing and Vasily's brown eyes
02-February-2023 Thursday
Renegade mutants of a multicellular world. Part 1. Rights, responsibilities and micro-brains
11-January-2022 Tuesday
28-May-2020 Thursday
The Tunguska explosion could have been caused by an asteroid that is still orbiting the Sun
29-April-2020 Wednesday
How does coronavirus mutate and how bad is it? Let's look at real examples
16-January-2019 Wednesday
Mikhail Gelfand - Evolutionary Developmental Biology
15-December-2018 Saturday
Mikhail Gelfand - Comparative Genomics