Gulag, NKVD

20-January-2022 Thursday
Continuation of the post "The Prosecutor's Office of Novosibirsk wants to erect a monument to the prosecutor who participated in the shootings and persecution of dissidents"

07-December-2021 Tuesday
The Prosecutor's Office of Novosibirsk wants to erect a monument to the prosecutor who participated in the shootings and persecution of dissidents

03-May-2021 Monday
The truth is shown about the gypsies on the patriotic channel TV-Star!?

07-May-2020 Thursday
Everything you need to know about statistics

11-October-2019 Friday
Antifake. 18+ NKVD torture. Interview with a former NKVD officer

16-September-2013 Monday
Myths about "Bloodthirsty Stalin"

16-July-2013 Tuesday
Stalin's Gulag in miniatures.
