University, Education
Page 18

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23-April-2024 Tuesday
Solutions of problems in theoretical mechanics from the collection of Kepe O.E. (Chapter 14. Theorems on the motion of central masses and on the change in the amount of motion and kinetic momentum)

13-April-2024 Saturday
In short, on YouTube, infogypsies advise not to study, quit university and start a business

08-April-2024 Monday
Internships, online schools and acting courses: an education guide for marketers in the Media Mix podcast

28-March-2024 Thursday

25-February-2024 Sunday
Do you want to earn money?

23-February-2024 Friday
What religious schools do you know? Where did these high-ranking priests study? Metropolitans, etc.?

22-February-2024 Thursday
Getting a quality education in Russia has become easier

01-February-2024 Thursday
The son of a Northern Military District soldier who was expelled with the minimum score in history will be able to enroll again

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