The Second World War, Ghetto

06-February-2024 Tuesday
History of the Warsaw Ghetto

02-July-2021 Friday
Sergei Berkner: Jewish partisan, professor of English linguistics, fighter against fascism

09-May-2021 Sunday
Guryev Arsenty Pavlovich. Feat

29-July-2019 Monday
Boris Menshagin and the Smolensk Ghetto

09-July-2019 Tuesday
Crawling to freedom. The story of the escape from the ghetto in Novogrudok, which was filmed by Hollywood and the Trump family remembers

30-June-2019 Sunday
Lessons from the Holocaust: eyewitness accounts

04-June-2019 Tuesday
With knives against aircraft. Desperate uprising in the hell of the Glubokoe ghetto

04-June-2019 Tuesday
Escape from hell. How a Nazi fell in love with a Jewish woman and flew with her to Moscow

08-November-2016 Tuesday
A prisoner of the Warsaw ghetto holds in his hands the body of a dead, swollen from hunger baby. 1941

06-March-2016 Sunday
The story of a girl rescued from the ghetto

20-July-2015 Monday
Non-Russian field (short story)
