Raven Gosha, Corvids

27-July-2022 Wednesday
How telemetry works and how much it costs. It became possible to buy this device thanks to donations of subscribers!

02-July-2022 Saturday
For a short time, Joyful Fluff jumped and flew around the territory

03-April-2022 Sunday
Finally, spring has come, you can swim and clean normally. In general, in the Perm Territory, spring begins not in March, but in April.

08-February-2022 Tuesday
After all such puzzles, Gosha very quickly coped with this toy! This time, he was almost not afraid of her.

21-January-2022 Friday
And we are to you with a new selection of teams

08-January-2022 Saturday
That's right, first you need to tear off the paper

06-January-2022 Thursday
What kind of ropes does the bird have on its paws and what does it have on its back?

04-January-2022 Tuesday
We take the guy to pick berries?

31-December-2021 Friday
Will it break the beak?

30-December-2021 Thursday
Right, left, you can’t and you can
