Question, Russian language
Page 8

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31-May-2024 Friday
Why, if you are not particularly close to a person, does he/she react poorly to the words “healthy”?

26-May-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post “Is it possible to use words such as “this, this, that, some” in Russian as analogues of the article in European languages?

26-May-2024 Sunday
Is it possible to use words such as “this, this, that, some” in Russian as analogues of the article in European languages?

26-May-2024 Sunday
What does the term “politics” mean in Russian?

18-May-2024 Saturday
Mystery machine

15-May-2024 Wednesday
Does “at me is” translate to “I have” in English?

15-May-2024 Wednesday
Is there life after the Unified State Exam? Let's remember who passed this main exam and how?

07-May-2024 Tuesday
In Russian, is the sound “X” soft? Is there a harder X than a Russian?

06-May-2024 Monday
What kind of coffee? Average or masculine?

27-April-2024 Saturday
Unified State Examination 2024 Answers Is it possible to find the answers somewhere in advance?

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