Question, The patients

18-February-2024 Sunday
A patient at a doctor's appointment asks

21-September-2023 Thursday
Reply to the post “The Saga of Dentistry. Chapter 54. How long does it take to remove a wisdom tooth?

22-January-2023 Sunday
How in me the "doctor" fought with the "patient"

08-January-2023 Sunday
Do they meet in the vagina?

17-November-2022 Thursday
Fox3377's answer to “There's no need to snuggle up! She is proactive, you see!”

23-August-2022 Tuesday
Medical ethics. Question to the audience

03-August-2021 Tuesday
Reply to the post “There is nothing to vyezhivatsya! She is proactive, you see!”

23-July-2019 Tuesday
About sore

22-February-2019 Friday
I ask the advice of angiosurgeons

27-April-2016 Wednesday
Typical clinic

21-May-2015 Thursday
Online consultation.
