Question, KVN

15-June-2024 Saturday
Wow! Exactly? Konstantin Ernst may return Israeli citizen Ivan Urgant, who condemned the SVO, to Channel One

26-May-2024 Sunday

01-April-2024 Monday
What are your favorite KVN teams and team players?

28-March-2024 Thursday
The idea is to create a quote book website, a collection of quotes from films, cartoons, books, KVN, humorous programs...

15-September-2023 Friday

28-September-2022 Wednesday
I want to know

16-July-2022 Saturday
Where did KVN go?

28-August-2021 Saturday
Under whom does Dorokhov mow down in verse?

14-December-2018 Friday
Help find (if any)

10-November-2018 Saturday

16-August-2016 Tuesday
Tell me how to find a scene from KVN)

28-June-2016 Tuesday
KVN, for everyone

24-June-2015 Wednesday
They say that no matter what they come up with, there is already a PRON on this topic ....

29-April-2015 Wednesday

06-October-2014 Monday
KVN and awkward question

01-March-2014 Saturday
Why didn't the pikabushniks create their own KVN team?

09-February-2014 Sunday
Help, peekaboo!

13-January-2014 Monday
Peekaboo, help. Nostalgia has taken over.

17-September-2013 Tuesday
Pick-up headphones help

28-April-2013 Sunday
PPC, not KVN

25-March-2013 Monday
Question about KVN
