War of the sexes, Нытье

18-March-2024 Monday
Reply to FrankCauldheim in “Why do girls love assholes but not the consequences? This is nonsense"

18-March-2024 Monday
Tullma's answer to “Why do girls love assholes but not the consequences? This is nonsense"

18-March-2024 Monday
Tullma's answer to “Why do girls love assholes but not the consequences? This is nonsense"

17-March-2024 Sunday
Tullma's answer to “Why do girls love assholes but not the consequences? This is nonsense"

17-March-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post “Why do girls love assholes, but don’t like the consequences? This is nonsense"

22-February-2024 Thursday
PassingBy11's answer to Sociologists: Almost a third of women go on dates for free food
