War, The Roman Empire
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18-September-2024 Wednesday
Gaul - the birthplace of Roman fear

06-September-2024 Friday
History of Ancient Iran. Shahanshah Khosrow II and his beautifully terrible reign

29-July-2024 Monday
Years of shame: Numidians, Cimbri and Marius. Part VIII. End of the game Maria

28-July-2024 Sunday
Years of shame: Numidians, Cimbri and Marius. Part VII. Contours of a military catastrophe

27-July-2024 Saturday
Years of shame: Numidians, Cimbri and Marius. Part VI. The Greatest Disaster

26-July-2024 Friday
Years of shame: Numidians, Cimbri and Marius. Part V. Nobody from Nowhere

25-July-2024 Thursday
Years of shame: Numidians, Cimbri and Marius. Part IV. Shameful war

24-July-2024 Wednesday
Years of shame: Numidians, Cimbri and Marius. Part III. Captured by inevitability

16-July-2024 Tuesday
The curious look of the dog of war

13-July-2024 Saturday
Attitude to one's own history: taking an example from the Romans

08-July-2024 Monday
Artillery, fire! - Thank you, you’re okay too

14-March-2024 Thursday
Rise of Spartacus. Part IV. The Republic is waiting for its hero

11-March-2024 Monday
Rise of Spartacus. Part I. Rome without Pompey

09-March-2024 Saturday
What incident could have happened if Hannibal had marched on Rome immediately after Cannes?

01-March-2024 Friday
Rome must be destroyed! What would have happened if Carthage had defeated Rome? Part two

28-February-2024 Wednesday
Quintus Sertorius. Part V. The End and Death

14-February-2024 Wednesday
Quintus Sertorius. Part II. Hero of an adventure novel

12-February-2024 Monday
Quintus Sertorius. Part I. Supporting Hero

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