War, Nancy Pelosi

17-November-2022 Thursday
Taiwan: the inevitability of war

15-August-2022 Monday
Almutabi's response to "What's going on?!"

02-August-2022 Tuesday
If you look closely at the flags, today we could see a new episode of Star wars

02-August-2022 Tuesday
Arrival fixed. 02.08.2022

02-August-2022 Tuesday
Didn't live up to expectations

02-August-2022 Tuesday
What's happening in Taiwan right now

02-August-2022 Tuesday
And there were conversations

02-August-2022 Tuesday
Shtosh ... You can remove the popcorn

02-August-2022 Tuesday
Against the backdrop of the arrival of Pilosi to Taiwan

02-August-2022 Tuesday
Some music for the people of Taiwan, China, USA...

31-July-2022 Sunday
Why did Joe Biden get sick?

21-July-2022 Thursday
Pelosi threatened to recognize Russia as a sponsor of terrorism!

31-March-2022 Thursday
the letter Z will be temporarily removed from English

05-February-2020 Wednesday
Reply to the American Civil War post
