Military, Volunteers

20-May-2024 Monday
Do you have friends or relatives who decided to volunteer for the SVO? Why did they decide to do this?

25-February-2024 Sunday
Notes from a volunteer. Book 1 "BARS". Chapter 25

27-December-2023 Wednesday
Regarding volunteers at SVO

25-December-2023 Monday
Reply to posts about volunteers

30-November-2023 Thursday
The State Duma approved the punishment of volunteers for crimes against service

05-October-2023 Thursday
Who wanted a video? Here it is. I'm Barsik. Lots of photos... I found grenades, cool, new ones... I gave away my old ones from UZRGM-2 a long time ago

25-April-2023 Tuesday
Military and veterans, help understand this story?

03-December-2022 Saturday
Volunteers in the NWO

16-October-2022 Sunday
11 mobilized killed in Belgorod region

25-March-2022 Friday
American volunteers on the front lines in Ukraine

12-March-2022 Saturday
Response to the post "Putin allowed volunteers to participate in the special operation in Ukraine"

06-March-2022 Sunday
American volunteers go to fight for Ukrainian rebels
