Prisoners of war, DPR

14-April-2024 Sunday
Military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrender en masse to the Russian army in the Avdeevsky direction

28-December-2023 Thursday
RIA Novosti: the Khmelnitsky battalion took the first battle with the Armed Forces of Ukraine

29-July-2022 Friday
Continuation of the post "The Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case after the shelling of the pre-trial detention center in Yelenovka, DPR" by Ukrainian nationalists

11-April-2022 Monday
Order to shoot to kill anyone

29-June-2017 Thursday
Russians do not abandon their own!!!

26-August-2015 Wednesday
Facebook knows how to pick up related news.

30-May-2015 Saturday
Russian soldier against the war with the Ukrainians

24-February-2015 Tuesday
Exchange of prisoners from the LNR and DNR with Kyiv.

22-February-2015 Sunday
Captured Ukrainian militants about what is happening in the Donbass.

10-February-2015 Tuesday
A captured soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the militias "Scalpel" and "Cross"

26-January-2015 Monday
Residents of Donetsk have put "cyborgs" on their knees.

06-December-2014 Saturday
Ukrainian prisoners of war. Ilovaisk 2014.

18-October-2014 Saturday
Prisoners of war from the battalion "Donbass" restore the destroyed Ilovaisk

01-October-2014 Wednesday
Repair plant, Ukrainian prisoners are restoring captured equipment for the Army of New Russia. 09/30/14

19-September-2014 Friday
Interview with a captured Ukrainian soldier

29-August-2014 Friday
Snow captive Ukrainian military 2 0 August 29, 2014

29-August-2014 Friday

24-August-2014 Sunday
History repeats itself

12-August-2014 Tuesday
Report on the exchange of prisoners

04-August-2014 Monday
Interrogation of the commander of the Grad MLRS of the 93rd brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

20-July-2014 Sunday
Prisoners of the Ukrainian army: we are treated better in captivity than Kyiv
