Military Review, Weapon

05-June-2024 Wednesday
The President of the Russian Federation in response to attacks on Russia by NATO weapons: Why don’t we supply our weapons to regions of the world with important facilities?

06-April-2022 Wednesday
Snigirevka, Mykolaiv region. Rosgvardia seized a huge amount of weapons and ammunition, which the Armed Forces of Ukraine distributed to the civilian population

08-February-2018 Thursday
Cobray Ladies Home Companion. The strangest revolver in history

25-November-2017 Saturday
Combat knives of special forces of different armies of the world (part 2. RF Armed Forces, SVD, Spetsnaz, Navy, GRU, FSB)

25-November-2017 Saturday
Combat knives of special forces of different armies of the world (part 1 foreign language)

23-December-2015 Wednesday
Sniper rifle K11 (Armenia)

17-September-2015 Thursday
Universal kit, allows you to upgrade the AK in 15 minutes
