Extraterrestrial life, Planet

01-September-2020 Tuesday
The black hole at the center of the Milky Way orbits planets that could harbor life.

07-January-2020 Tuesday
The TESS space telescope has discovered the first potentially habitable planet the size of Earth

09-August-2018 Thursday
Scientists have discovered formic acid in the disk around the new planet

23-February-2018 Friday
Is there LIFE on other PLANETS? And why is it BAD!

23-December-2015 Wednesday
Video about eight potentially habitable planets. (video removed from old post)

28-July-2015 Tuesday
Why do people search for planets like Earth?

23-July-2015 Thursday
Are we alone in the universe?

23-July-2015 Thursday
NASA has found a new exoplanet Kepler-452b, which may contain life.

19-July-2015 Sunday
An interesting fact about Venus.

10-July-2014 Thursday
Are we alone in the universe?
