Power, Lodging

22-May-2024 Wednesday
“30 years of waiting for housing”: a teacher from Aramili complained to the president that the order of distribution of apartments was being violated in the city

07-February-2024 Wednesday
In the Perm Territory, the head of the district and his partner seized part of the shore, and then blocked the neighbors’ entrance to the house

18-October-2021 Monday
Renovations to be.... No

25-December-2019 Wednesday
We heard Matvienko, we really liked it - we hit the mammoth skin with a gnawed bone

04-November-2019 Monday
Kuban authorities continue to pound water in the national project mortar

10-April-2019 Wednesday
Milovskiy park - Ufa. Fraudulent borrowers. hunger strike

23-November-2018 Friday
The Supreme Court allowed to seize the only housing from bankrupt Russians

13-September-2018 Thursday
Petersburg officials take away an apartment from the family of a firefighter
