Vladislav Krapivin, Childhood

17-January-2022 Monday
Books by Vladislav Krapivin. I read them all (practically) and here's what I wanted to say about them. First half of Part III (out of 5, probably)

06-December-2021 Monday
Books by Vladislav Krapivin. I read them all (practically) and here's what I wanted to say about them. Second half of Part II (out of 5, probably)

04-December-2021 Saturday
Answer demonword in "Books by Vladislav Krapivin. I read them all (practically) and here's what I wanted to say about them. Part II (out of 5, probably)"

03-December-2021 Friday
Reply to the post “Books by Vladislav Krapivin.

17-November-2021 Wednesday
Books by Vladislav Krapivin. I've read them all (virtually) and here's what I wanted to say about them. Part II (out of 5, probably)

10-November-2021 Wednesday
Books by Vladislav Krapivin. I've read them all (virtually) and here's what I wanted to say about them. Part I (out of 5, probably)

02-September-2020 Wednesday
Reply to the post “Writer Vladislav Krapivin: master with a sword from Carronade Square”

01-September-2020 Tuesday
Reply to the post “Writer Vladislav Krapivin: master with a sword from Carronade Square”

01-September-2020 Tuesday
Vladislav Krapivin died today

01-September-2020 Tuesday
Farewell, Commander...

01-September-2020 Tuesday
Writer Vladislav Krapivin: master with a sword from Carronade Square

01-September-2020 Tuesday
Vladislav Krapivin died today

24-July-2020 Friday
Vladislav Krapivin - in intensive care with pneumonia
