Vladimir Putin, Criminal case

08-October-2022 Saturday
About what happened on the Crimean bridge from various sources

03-February-2022 Thursday
In Kamchatka, the billionaire and ex-deputy of the EdRa Igor Redkin accused of killing a person was released. It's not a moose to kill...

28-January-2022 Friday
Response to the post "Putin signed a law on a life sentence for pedophiles-recidivists"

28-January-2022 Friday
Putin signed a law on a life sentence for pedophiles-recidivists

28-January-2022 Friday
A foreigner illegally exported forests from Russia for 260 million rubles

14-January-2019 Monday
Three activists of Navalny's headquarters in Perm became defendants in a criminal case because of the action with Pynya.

03-April-2018 Tuesday
Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a case against Avakov for interference in presidential elections

10-August-2017 Thursday
A real criminal case is brought against a famous blogger from caramba

14-April-2016 Thursday
The builder of the Vostony cosmodrome, who turned to Putin, was arrested

26-March-2016 Saturday
Kursk deputy Olga Li opened a criminal case

24-September-2015 Thursday
Was Putin prosecuted in Ukraine?

06-September-2013 Friday
Will the United States and its satellites turn into defendants in a criminal case?
