Viktor Tsoi, Yuri Khoy

27-May-2024 Monday
Yard songs with a guitar, they were sung in every yard

22-July-2022 Friday
Viktor Tsoi vs Gaza Strip. Who will the people on the street vote for?

06-June-2022 Monday
Like my own daughter

06-September-2021 Monday
Russian rock music

30-June-2021 Wednesday
Briefly about the eras in Russian pop music over the past 35 years

21-June-2017 Wednesday
Two stars

29-March-2016 Tuesday
Choi, hoi are alive

09-September-2015 Wednesday
Modern songs and classics.

09-April-2014 Wednesday
Viktor Tsoi, Yura KHOI

10-September-2013 Tuesday
The heritage of the fatherland

19-August-2013 Monday
Punk will not lead to good.

07-July-2013 Sunday
Do not confuse

30-May-2013 Thursday
I heard they like high-quality cosplay here)))
