Video, Cher

18-April-2024 Thursday
May you live happily ever after

06-January-2024 Saturday
Cher is 77 years old, Darlene Dove is 82 years old, they sing in December 2023

12-December-2023 Tuesday
All the power of dancing is in the microphones on your head

25-June-2023 Sunday
Do you think men are viable?

03-February-2023 Friday
Michael Jackson and the family on the Cher show. 1975 Bayanometer pleased

22-January-2023 Sunday
Todd Barriage - Believe (Cher cover). Downhole pop punk cover

01-December-2020 Tuesday
To the question "Women and steamboats"

17-August-2020 Monday
The young lady, the ball and the bully

28-October-2019 Monday
Joaquin Phoenix, Larry and Cher.))

31-July-2018 Tuesday
Raquel Welch and Cher

31-July-2017 Monday
Song from Just You Wait (1966)

09-August-2016 Tuesday
What motivated her when she dressed like this in front of the crew of the battleship?

09-June-2016 Thursday
Singer Cher is dying

26-March-2015 Thursday
The guy sings in the voice of Cher and Ramazzotti)

11-January-2015 Sunday
In their hearts, they love completely different songs ...
