Video, Photogenic

05-March-2024 Tuesday
The most photogenic monkey - Shiny Gulman

03-November-2023 Friday
Apparently he moonlights as a model.

26-June-2022 Sunday
How to take a cool photo

04-October-2021 Monday
Photogenic cat

29-July-2021 Thursday
Be patient and smile

17-March-2021 Wednesday
So good. Response to the post "Passport photo"

08-February-2021 Monday
Am I in the frame?

21-May-2020 Thursday
Nelly wants a selfie

13-May-2020 Wednesday
Think I can do that too!

14-January-2020 Tuesday
Beauty in concentrated form

05-September-2016 Monday
Professional posing. Lesson 1

08-May-2016 Sunday
Briefly about how I get in the photo

10-January-2016 Sunday
photogenic dog

09-November-2015 Monday
selfie dog

08-February-2015 Sunday
Like alive but not alive
