Video, Views

01-May-2024 Wednesday
Circus circus circus

23-February-2024 Friday
Now I want a birthday like this for myself. Boy, almost 40 years old

18-December-2023 Monday
Some American churches are taking Christmas services seriously

29-November-2023 Wednesday
Well, I can do that too. Can you do “Murka”?

15-October-2023 Sunday
Where did the second one come from?

07-April-2023 Friday
Birth of Gulliver

20-February-2023 Monday
Reply to the post “Good toastmaster. And interesting contests

19-February-2023 Sunday
Good toastmaster. And interesting contests

25-August-2022 Thursday
"People love it!" x / f "Kin-dza-dza!"

16-May-2021 Sunday
Yesterday's performance in Odessa

08-September-2014 Monday
Fantastic performance at the opening ceremony of the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games

01-March-2014 Saturday
You have never seen such a show!
