Video, Weather station

19-January-2024 Friday
Life on TDS in the taiga. Arrival in Magadan 3 years ago

11-September-2020 Friday
We connect the LSD1602 display, BME280 and DS18B20 sensors to the ESP8266 without programming! WiFi IoT

13-May-2020 Wednesday
The temperature outside your window in your pocket - it's easy! Without programming - in 30 minutes. (ESP8266 + DS18B20 + WiFi-iot + NarodMON)

27-April-2020 Monday
While they are small, they are not dangerous...

06-February-2020 Thursday
Continuing the theme of the Weather Station in Taganay National Park. New Year (31.12.2019-02.01.2020)

02-December-2019 Monday
Bought a weather station to combat homeowners' associations

10-November-2017 Friday
We check the readings of the household weather station DG-TH8868.

17-March-2017 Friday
cool clouds
