Video, Cat hippo

02-May-2024 Thursday
Continuation of the post “We have a new ward cat from the church. He ended up with a laceration on his paw. They thought he was a savage. But it turned out to be a sweet pie"

27-April-2024 Saturday
Continuation of the post “We have a new ward cat from the church. He ended up with a laceration on his paw. They thought he was a savage. But it turned out to be a sweet pie"

19-April-2024 Friday
Continuation of the post “We have a new ward cat from the church. He ended up with a laceration on his paw. They thought he was a savage. But it turned out to be a sweet pie"

10-April-2024 Wednesday
We have a new cat from church. He ended up with a laceration on his paw. They thought he was a savage. But it turned out to be a sweet pie

04-April-2024 Thursday
“I’m not being naughty, I’m not hurting anyone, I’m fixing the primus stove.”

29-February-2024 Thursday
Bro, don't bother me. I'm tormenting with a Swedish shark!

25-January-2024 Thursday
I should rest...

27-November-2023 Monday
Someone black and big is watching you...

23-November-2023 Thursday
Happy first snow, bro!

16-December-2022 Friday
Behemoth cat waiting for Woland

10-July-2021 Saturday
An excerpt from The Master and Margarita. Woland plays chess with Behemoth

02-November-2019 Saturday
Behemoth Appearance. Greetings)))
