Wind generator, Energy

28-May-2024 Tuesday
The source of the wind in the city of S. (according to some)

27-August-2020 Thursday
Wind turbines

17-January-2020 Friday
A small mini-educational on the topic of renewable energy, in particular its wind segment

15-November-2019 Friday
How much do wind turbine manufacturers earn?

29-October-2017 Sunday
The world's tallest wind turbine combined with a pumped storage power plant.

27-October-2017 Friday
The largest wind turbine in the world

09-October-2017 Monday
Wind turbines have generated 200% of the energy needed in Scotland.

21-May-2017 Sunday
In Britain, the "farm" of the largest and most powerful wind turbines in the world began to work

30-March-2017 Thursday
A wind turbine pays off in an average of 6 months and lasts 20 years.

22-October-2016 Saturday
Windmill for the price of an iPhone

28-October-2014 Tuesday
Design Features of an Industrial Wind Turbine
