Veteran of the Great Patriotic War, the USSR

29-January-2022 Saturday
Vetepans walk along Nevsky Prospekt on the thirtieth anniversary of the end of the war

27-April-2021 Tuesday
The prosecutor's office declared the demolition of the monument to Dzerzhinsky on Lubyanka illegal

06-October-2019 Sunday
The punishment for a pseudo-veteran is 15 years with confiscation, 1981.

07-May-2019 Tuesday
Previously, the pioneers fixed the symbolic “Stars of Heroes” on each house of veterans, and every resident knew that a participant in the Great Patriotic War lived in this house.

25-September-2017 Monday
We need your assessment of the synopsis for the script of the film about Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

09-May-2016 Monday
Memories came flooding back.

10-November-2014 Monday
Talgat Begeldinov died today

26-February-2014 Wednesday
Very powerful video, everyone should see it.

19-September-2013 Thursday
This video needs to be played on all channels instead of ads!
