Wehrmacht, Ukraine

22-March-2024 Friday
March 1944. Vinnitsa “Hitler Awards” Photographer: Ivan Shagin. Colorization

29-January-2023 Sunday
The West forms an invading army. Ukraine will attack the Crimea

29-September-2022 Thursday
The Germans were not going to create any Independent Ukraine.

12-September-2022 Monday
In the LPR commented on the crosses of the Wehrmacht on Ukrainian equipment

27-October-2020 Tuesday
Response to the post “Yesterday October 25 is the 79th anniversary of the tragedy of the Bryansk village of Khatsun”

05-November-2019 Tuesday
At the monument to the dead Red Army soldiers, a guard of honor was placed from ... people in the form of the Wehrmacht and the SS

16-May-2015 Saturday
Antifake School. Joint Soviet-German parade in Brest as proof of cooperation between Stalin and Hitler

24-January-2015 Saturday
Concert in honor of the liberators (1941)

11-November-2014 Tuesday
How "Bloody Gebnya" horrified the Wehrmacht troops

21-March-2014 Friday
The opinion of a Wehrmacht officer about members of the OUN.
