The Great Patriotic War, Kursk

08-May-2024 Wednesday
In Kursk, a photo of a “Russian soldier from the 70s who doesn’t want to fight” was placed on banners for Victory Day

28-April-2024 Sunday
The crew of the Soviet 76.2-mm divisional gun ZiS-3 in readiness for battle on the Kursk Bulge. 1943. Colorization

12-January-2024 Friday
Meeting of Sergeant of the 51st Guards Division Semyon Ilyich Trifonov with his relatives. Colorization

29-May-2023 Monday
The promised repair of the memorial for the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Kursk will not be

16-June-2022 Thursday
In Kursk, the stars at the memorial "Victims of Fascism" were made from self-adhesive tape for the second time

26-May-2022 Thursday
Kursk. 1941-42

13-March-2022 Sunday
"At night I repaired the globe": the poems of a 30-year-old Russian woman became a hit on the Internet

26-February-2019 Tuesday
$20,000 is spent by the Germans on the cemetery for their soldiers. At the cemetery of patients poisoned by the Nazis from the budget they do not give a penny

11-April-2015 Saturday
Bike ride "Thank you for the Victory!"

07-February-2015 Saturday
To be remembered

23-August-2014 Saturday
Facts about the Battle of Kursk.
