Vape, Addiction

21-March-2024 Thursday
Why are some people addicted to nicotine and some are not?

14-March-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “I quit smoking after 16 years of experience and realized something”

13-March-2024 Wednesday
I quit smoking after 16 years and realized something

09-January-2024 Tuesday
How I switch from cigarettes to Vape (Schizophrenic, 34 years old)

26-December-2023 Tuesday
How do people control their addictions? Or they refuse them

21-July-2023 Friday
How to quit vaping?

16-June-2023 Friday
How to stop doing it?

30-September-2022 Friday
Base on smoking

05-September-2022 Monday
Reply to the post "Vape is piZZZets"

29-August-2022 Monday
Vape is piZZZets

27-July-2021 Tuesday
Why is nicotine addiction so common among teenagers these days?

16-December-2020 Wednesday
quit smoking

23-August-2020 Sunday
Reply to the post “How I quit smoking without stopping smoking.

03-May-2019 Friday
How do I quit smoking

08-April-2018 Sunday

15-November-2017 Wednesday
How I quit smoking.
