Stuffing, War

15-December-2021 Wednesday
The Kirovsky District Court of Rostov-on-Don established the fact of the presence of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine

14-April-2018 Saturday
Guys what to do?

07-March-2018 Wednesday
Substantive issue

03-March-2018 Saturday
About the famous stuffing with Wagner

04-August-2016 Thursday
But this is nonsense, before ukry journalists were told about the Russian army of 200,000 people, but not visible even with devices !!!

31-May-2016 Tuesday
Mow the dill scythe while the dew is still there.

27-April-2016 Wednesday
As usual, among the dead, they shoot themselves, they kill themselves, they explode on their own. The Bermuda Triangle is right in Ukraine.

26-April-2016 Tuesday
Again, our soldiers will be destroyed by entire regiments and divisions.

16-April-2016 Saturday
Ukry, and last time, half a year ago, you blew him up on a mine, also to death. Did he come alive? Well, now it will definitely be immortal!

01-March-2016 Tuesday
A sapper stepped on an anti-tank (!!!) mine and blew himself up? Brilliant! They are definitely cyborgs! Tons of 5 in weight!

01-October-2015 Thursday
Who was bombed by the Russian Air Force in the vicinity of Homs?

16-August-2015 Sunday
Unexpected truth about the Russian Federation from Ukraine

23-July-2015 Thursday
The army of the Russian Federation is not enough for Ukraine, let's add Belarus too!

14-May-2015 Thursday
I also saw American drones, but then they let me go.

11-April-2015 Saturday
Dutch prosecutor's office: Boeing MH17 shot down by Russian Buk

18-January-2015 Sunday
Pikabushniki stop spreading Ukrainian stuffing.

27-November-2014 Thursday
About sending Russian soldiers to the LPR or how liberals breed gullible people

11-September-2014 Thursday
Twitter is happy :D

27-August-2014 Wednesday
About captured paratroopers

19-August-2014 Tuesday
Refugees - mother with a boy.

17-March-2014 Monday
To all Russians who can think!

15-March-2014 Saturday

04-March-2014 Tuesday
That moment when the comments are better than the post itself

01-March-2014 Saturday
Ready for war?!
