Currency, Repeat

02-May-2024 Thursday
The net loss of PJSC Gazprom according to RAS in the first quarter amounted to 449.53 billion rubles. I have no words. National treasure. we can, we can

09-August-2023 Wednesday
They've got everyone wrapped around their fingers! (1 dollar = 98r)

23-May-2023 Tuesday
This stone was the local currency

30-August-2022 Tuesday
The Russians began to complain about the withdrawal of the euro from them by the Finnish customs at the entrance to Russia

06-July-2022 Wednesday
Response to the post "And again about Tinkoff"

09-March-2022 Wednesday
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation banned banks from selling currency. Temporarily

02-February-2022 Wednesday
Course of author's posts to the accordion
