Vacancies, Candidates

24-May-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “When none of the 120 candidates came up... Maybe it’s not the candidates?”

23-May-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “About those who don’t pick up the phone”

02-June-2022 Thursday
How we selected candidates for the vacancy

07-October-2021 Thursday
Response to the post "Denmark will ban employers from asking about the age of candidates"

07-October-2021 Thursday
Denmark to ban employers from asking about the age of candidates

16-January-2020 Thursday
Eh, we're late!)

06-December-2018 Thursday
Paper work

20-June-2018 Wednesday
Summary of a healthy person

03-June-2018 Sunday
Ideal candidate

14-June-2017 Wednesday
Jobs at the labor exchange

18-January-2016 Monday
The story of how I was looking for a worker ...
