APU, Terrorist attack

01-February-2024 Thursday
The Investigative Committee reported the recovery of more than 670 fragments of the bodies of the victims from the crash site of the Il-76

25-January-2024 Thursday
The Investigative Committee published footage from the Il-76 crash site in the Belgorod region

24-January-2024 Wednesday
Russian Ministry of Defense: Kyiv showed its true colors by shooting down a plane with captured Ukrainians. The military in Ukraine carried out another terrorist attack, shooting down an Il-76

24-January-2024 Wednesday
Reply krillat to “Ukrainian media began to delete news about the involvement of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the downing of Il76”

24-January-2024 Wednesday
Statement by the Russian Ministry of Defense

24-January-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post “Ukrainian media began to delete news about the involvement of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the downing of Il76”

24-January-2024 Wednesday
Ukrainian media began to delete news about the involvement of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the downing of Il76

25-November-2023 Saturday
In Ukraine they threatened with new terrorist attacks on the Crimean Bridge

17-July-2023 Monday
The attack on the Crimean bridge was recognized as a terrorist act

03-April-2023 Monday
For those people (no)...

02-March-2023 Thursday
Ukrainian DRG took hostages in the Bryansk region

16-November-2022 Wednesday
So we flew to the Oryol region

13-October-2022 Thursday
The American New York Post illustrated an article about a Russian strike on Ukrainian targets with a frame of a terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge

09-October-2022 Sunday
Meeting between Bastrykin and Putin on the terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge

09-October-2022 Sunday
Putin accused Ukrainian intelligence services of attacking the Crimean bridge

09-April-2022 Saturday
The people's militia of the LPR reported that a tank with nitric acid was blown up in Rubezhne

14-March-2022 Monday
Ukraine committed a terrorist attack in the center of Donetsk. Victims could be many times more

01-July-2018 Sunday
Terrorists of the Armed Forces of Ukraine blew up a gas distribution station in the Donbass.
