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05-June-2024 Wednesday
Military police in Ukraine will financially “motivate” citizens to report draft evaders and deserters

04-June-2024 Tuesday
The Investigative Committee began a pre-investigation check against Makarevich after his conversation with the prankster

03-June-2024 Monday
The Rada called on Ukrainians abroad who do not register for military service to renounce their citizenship

17-May-2024 Friday
Media: The West plans to convince Zelensky to agree to negotiations with the Russian Federation. All brigades are experiencing a 40% shortage of personnel

15-May-2024 Wednesday
Zelensky canceled all international visits in the coming days due to the difficult situation at the front

13-May-2024 Monday
Ex-Yandex employee detained for treason in the form of sponsoring the Armed Forces of Ukraine

30-April-2024 Tuesday
The expert announced the readiness of the Russian Armed Forces for possible provocations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the May holidays

22-April-2024 Monday
Who doesn't follow international law?

21-April-2024 Sunday
In Ukraine, the editor of the Russian-language Wikipedia, who made 86 thousand edits, died - he fought for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

20-April-2024 Saturday
The court arrested the second accused of the attempt on the life of a former SBU officer in Moscow

19-April-2024 Friday
The Economist: Ukraine now has drones capable of reaching Siberia

17-April-2024 Wednesday
Two local residents were detained in the Tomsk region for transferring money to the Ukrainian Armed Forces

14-April-2024 Sunday
Military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrender en masse to the Russian army in the Avdeevsky direction

08-April-2024 Monday
Five people were arrested on suspicion of stealing more than 7 billion rubles from Russians, the money went to finance the Armed Forces of Ukraine

27-March-2024 Wednesday
Nikolai Erney: “My ex-husband, Roman Samul, forced me to abuse the girl.”

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