Bottle, Fountain
27-May-2024 Monday
When you don’t have much money for special effects, but you need to light things up...
18-October-2022 Tuesday
Do-it-yourself fountain
14-October-2021 Thursday
Fountain of bottles in the form of a bottle of champagne (Abrau-Durso)
27-July-2021 Tuesday
Reply to "The Game We Deserve" post
13-September-2020 Sunday
Lamp for the dacha from a cut bottle
26-March-2019 Tuesday
Tsar-Bottle of Champagne. Merry Fountain. Abrau-Durso.
02-August-2017 Wednesday
Happy Holidays!)
02-August-2015 Sunday
Have you already broken a bottle on your head?
02-August-2015 Sunday
Have you already taken a dip in the fountain and broke a bottle on your head?
08-December-2013 Sunday
I'm stupid to eat
02-August-2013 Friday
this was a bad idea)
31-July-2013 Wednesday
Why not.