Paper, Documentation

15-January-2023 Sunday
Zakharova commented on the discovery of papers in Biden's house with an excerpt from "The Prince and the Pauper"

21-December-2022 Wednesday
The documents

30-July-2019 Tuesday
3 weeks of work

08-July-2019 Monday
Paper is getting too expensive

28-September-2018 Friday
Vibrating document stacker

12-January-2016 Tuesday
Circle "crazy hands"

17-June-2015 Wednesday
Looking for a meme or picture

10-June-2015 Wednesday
I saw a live Schroeder!!

28-April-2015 Tuesday
A 15-year-old art student in England created a wedding dress entirely from divorce papers.

08-February-2015 Sunday
Does anyone know what this is?

03-November-2014 Monday
We knew that they smoke, but did not know that in the workplace

13-September-2014 Saturday
When to treat, if so much documentation?

03-June-2014 Tuesday
Sisters and brothers pikabushniks, we need the help of those who know.

13-June-2013 Thursday
Raise, if not difficult, we need answers if there are lawyers here ..
