Brooklyn, The photo

12-April-2022 Tuesday
Five people were shot at a subway station in New York

22-February-2021 Monday
Post #8036156

17-September-2020 Thursday
Vietnam Hanoi

09-April-2020 Thursday
“The hardest thing when dealing with the possibility of infection is not to touch your face.”

14-December-2019 Saturday
On the streets of America

06-September-2019 Friday
A tomato grown on a pile of the Brooklyn Bridge

10-October-2018 Wednesday
The Brooklyn Bridge.

14-December-2017 Thursday
Winter in Brooklyn

02-February-2015 Monday
After putting out a fire in Brooklyn, 2015

04-February-2014 Tuesday
It snowed in Brooklyn (Long Post)

16-January-2014 Thursday
Brooklyn Bridge in the morning
