Rave, Apology

29-October-2023 Sunday
SBolivar’s answer to “Organization of the stay of labor migrants in Russia”

10-February-2023 Friday
It's 90...

01-September-2017 Friday
I was a little bored, and I decided to have fun. And it turned out as always. Sorry for your undermined mental health.

03-March-2017 Friday
I love you

19-September-2016 Monday

10-May-2016 Tuesday
But what if?

07-December-2015 Monday
Influence of Peekaboo

30-January-2015 Friday
Love and be loved!) But sometimes you want to kill

28-January-2015 Wednesday
I'm sitting in the bathroom with a laptop, eating dumplings and thinking...

03-January-2015 Saturday
The post was a mistake, I'm sorry!

11-December-2014 Thursday
What for?

09-October-2014 Thursday
Good mood)

04-January-2014 Saturday
Decided to read the book...

09-October-2013 Wednesday

21-May-2013 Tuesday
Forgive me for being rude, but this is the kind of crap that came to my mind ...

11-March-2013 Monday
Sorry, that was nonsense :-)
