Brazil, Favelas

02-November-2023 Thursday
Among lakes and favelas. Interlagos is the heart of Brazilian racing passion. Preview of the Grand Prix of Sao Paulo (03.11.23-05.11.23)

25-July-2023 Tuesday
"City of God": how the most famous criminal district has changed in 19 years

12-January-2019 Saturday
20 years in Rio - 01 - General about the city, what, where and how.

14-February-2018 Wednesday
Intricate communications in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro

14-September-2017 Thursday
My adventure in Brazilian favelas.

19-August-2017 Saturday
State within a State: Life in Brazilian favelas

19-March-2015 Thursday
Favelas do Brasil

24-February-2015 Tuesday
The devil is not as scary as he is painted, or as they live in Brazilian favelas

25-April-2013 Thursday
those brazilian favelas

21-April-2013 Sunday
Life in the favelas. (Remember Max Payne 3 missions)
