Bum, Vladimir Putin

29-January-2022 Saturday
Am I entitled to a pension if I rent an apartment?

12-March-2021 Friday
Me too if

01-May-2018 Tuesday
Pay your taxes and sleep well

03-May-2017 Wednesday
How long have we had "young" homeless people in our country?

01-May-2016 Sunday
1 day with a homeless person, how do homeless people live?

25-December-2015 Friday

05-July-2015 Sunday
Homeless people from Ufa were relocated to a neighboring city because of the SCO and BRICS summits!

10-March-2015 Tuesday
That feeling when the clip turned out better than Timati's

02-August-2014 Saturday
Let this man be poor and eat from garbage cans, but he is against the United States. I'm proud of him.

17-December-2013 Tuesday
Putin and the homeless.

29-November-2013 Friday
About how I made boys

21-September-2013 Saturday

20-September-2013 Friday

17-May-2013 Friday
Song about Russia - Get down on the BOTTOM
